7 Mind-blowing Wooden Door Design For Home Entrances
By Pratik Balasaria
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A home full of our loved ones is like a fort- it needs to be protected at all costs. And the first line of defense is often the main door of the house. Hence, this door has to be robust and sturdy. But this door is also the first impression of any guests that arrive at our place. This is why it is essential to incorporate some beautiful wooden door design into your entrance and hike up your style quotient!

7 marvelous wooden door design for your homes

Here are 7 beautiful wooden designs for your doors to marvel your guests!

1. Patterned wooden door design

wooden door design

Customize your entrance door just as you like! Let your entrance wooden door design speak your personality and welcome your guests with warmth!

2. Two-colored entrance door design

wooden door design

Why stick to one boring color when you can jazz up the wooden door with two colors! Find a light and darker shade of brown that emphasizes the wooden door while also making it look oh-so-pretty!

3. Modern style wooden door design

wooden door design

Gone are the days when doors would be plain and generic. Blow your guests away with futuristic abstract patterns for your entrance door.

4. Engraved designs on doors

wooden door design

Make your entrance door design an artistic statement with wooden engravings! You can even customize these designs to be floral, geometric, or even natural.

5. Angled wooden door design

wooden door design

Elevate your wooden door designs with these angled, asymmetric patterns that catch everyone’s attention! Line these with golden paint and make a bold statement!

6. Checkered design doors

wooden door design

The classic checkered pattern works on entrance doors too! It lends an antique and classy look to your luxury home with minimal effort.

7. Wooden door design with glass panes

wooden door design

Get the best of both worlds with wooden doors instilled with glass panes. The glass allows sufficient light into the house while the wood protects the entrance.

Leave a lasting first impression

Doors serve as an impart defense against intruders and external dirt and dust. But real security and safety are ensured only if your flat or apartment is located in a safe locality within a gated locality. Do check out the best luxury flats, luxury apartments on EM Bypass, residential apartments in Phoolbagan, and 2 BHK Flats in New Town in India to lead a calm and secure home life.  

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